Friday, June 12, 2009

Hats anyone?

Another hat maker...and one of the oldest in Copenhagen. It's said to be the only gentlemen's hat maker in Scandinavia, but I doubt that to be honest. The shop is on one of the busiest pedestrian streets in Denmark, Købmagergade (Merchant Street), wich is part of the area called Strøget (literally the Shopping Street).

Here most of the major retailers have a shop and it's packed with people. You can be sure to encounter street performers, beggars, bleeding hearts trying to get a signature on a petition or just plain old fraudsters and pickpockets. At night I avoid this area, as mobs of drunken youngsters dominate it as soon as it turns dark.


  1. What a charming sign!!!! I love both the hat, and the artistic painting beneath!!!! Terrific photo, btw...I like the way you captured the church in the background...really adds a sense of scale, and perspective to the shot! Brilliant! Bravo! ~Janine

  2. Good lord, I'd stay away from there at night, too! I am fascinated by these hat people still wear hats there? I can't imagine they would have much business...about the only headgear people wear around here are baseball caps...well, in Ocala there are a few cowboy hats, too, what with all the horse farms.

    Have a great weekend, Chris.

  3. @Jacob: Actually this is a very small market for hats. Caps are used, but the old style is seldom seen.


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