Sunday, April 5, 2009

After the rain

Go out after it's rained and find some puddles to capture reflections in. That can often give some interesting images. I like this one for its somber mood and low light. I took it early in the morning in the Valby Park near my home, actually in the hope of getting some foggy photos instead, but the meteorologists wasn't right this morning. Are they ever? :-)


  1. It's rained there, too? I haven't tried to capture reflections so far. Good b/w choice. And about the meteorologists, they are almost right, 99 out of 100? At least in my place :).

  2. Here it's more like 70% of the time. Maybe because of the cold and wetness from the Arctic and the Atlantic just to the north of us and the dry warmth from the Russian steppes to the East? I don't know, but you learn to look at the sky in the morning and remember your survival gear anyway :-)


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