Thursday, April 23, 2009

Best Blog Thinker Award

I got quite a surprise today, Catherine Mark-Beasant awarded me the Best Blog Thinker Award. It's always nice to be noticed, especially by a great blogger like Cathrine. So now I've got to try to live up to this honor. I will of course continue with my themes and daily posts with the odd digression when I've stumbled on something worthy.

Having said that, I realized that I had to include something in this post and I found the photos above, recently taken on one of my walks. The statue is called Youth On Horse and is by Vilhelm Bissen, a Danish sculptor and son of Herman Wilhelm Bissen. It's from 1903 and can be found in the North West of Copenhagen near Bellahøj. The mask, party hat and scarf are of newer date:-)


  1. Most interesting. My dad was born in 1903! He was Swedish.

    The mask and scarf do spice things up a bit, I think!

  2. A well deserved award :)

  3. Well-deserved recognition!!! Congrats!!!! Love these photos...and the touch of humor...a witty observer!!!! Good fun!

  4. Congratulations for this well deserved award, the places you show are always full of interest, history and pleasant aesthetics. Greetings from MC.

  5. Thanks for the comments on this awards, it's most appriciated. I think the hat and amsk is a leftover from New Years Eve.

  6. Congratulation, Christopher. You and the statue deserve it (him for the red scarf).


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