Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring has come

A little post out of theme to announce that spring has come to Copenhagen. I just hope it'll last :-)

The photos are all from Copenhagen taken in the last couple of days.

As my work will keep me a bit busy for the next few days, I won't be able to answer your comments or to comment on your blogs. My posts for the next week are all planned though so do come back daily. And the theme will still be churches. I promise to be back online in the weekend.

Happy Easter to all.


  1. A feast for the eyes!!!! And joy for the soul! Beautiful! Happy Spring to you! ~Janine

  2. Beautiful images, colorful flowers everywhere...

  3. Happy to see springtime color.

  4. Great pics.I like flower photos.


Please feel free to share a thought, an idea or an opinion by leaving a comment. I'll try to answer the comments as best I can, but you'll usually have to wait a day or two :-)