Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Roses in mirror

Another image from the festival in Bogense I mentioned yesterday. This one is a detail of a display of roses placed on a mirror. Needless to say that it was a well polished mirror!


  1. All I can say is "Wow!" This is an amazing photo! I am so impressed with the way you were able to capture the double image without a reflection of your camera or any glare...this is fabulous! Gorgeous!

  2. very creative. I am glad you enjoyed the photos on my site, including the Crazy 88 butterfly, which was quite real and free.

  3. Technically perfect and imaginative. Great shot.

  4. Thanks to the alter image again :). It's indeed a well polished mirror, even the reflection looks more real...

  5. It took some trial and errors (a lot actually) but I was rather pleased with the result. Thanks again for commenting :-9

  6. It's a great joy to discover your blog. Such interesting images from your reflections to your foggy days. Thank you for your interest in Brattleboro.

  7. I'm still trying to work this one out!

  8. Your photos are so artistic. It must be wonderful to be so creative and able as you are...
    I am envious (just slightly)lol


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