Thursday, January 10, 2013

A new standard?

The largest Danish bank, Danske Bank got a lot of critique after their new advertisment campaign called A new normal demands New Standard, where they used the Occupy Wall Street movement as one of their clips in the main video. Unfortunately this situation has become the new normal here, even though a lot of people here are in denial about it. When you walk the streets of Copenhagen on a regular basis, you will notice a lot of homeless people, and to me it seems like there's more here than 10 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. That's a spot on picture! The combination of the image itself (bank and a homeless in a sleeping bag on the doorstep of the bank) and the story about "the new standard" from the bank. You should send this to Erling :) Maybe he'll use it internally in the review of their campaign....


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